BACH EDITION. VOLUME V. Vocal Works. 285. CD V-1 / CD V-2. MASS IN B MINOR. Bach did not compose the Mass in B Minor, he compiled it. The mass had its origins in two much shorter and entirely separate ...
... Guild of Stevedores: Added; Crackle Hill: Added; Ulmen Strasse: Added; Beloved of Manaan: Added; Reiksport: Added; Reiksport Shanty Town: Added; Jaeger bEstate/b: Added; Austauschstrasse: Added; Inkwell: Added; Ax und Hammer,: Added ... I also changed the location and the name to Amber College of Magic; Added Main Temple of Morr by the bRuhstatt/b cemetary; Updated spreadsheet with the above information. Version 1.0. Click here to download. Release date: August 1, 2007. ...
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